Registration description

Why is important to add a photo ?

Your photo is required to identify you. Many organizations require your photo, because if you did not take the device for a discount or a pass to work, you can simply say your QR code number and you will be identified.

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Why Full name important ?

It all depends of requirements that each organization can set as discretion. For example, you buy an expensive item in a company store, you have a check, and you decided to refuse what you bought, in this case you may be asked to infect your name, according to your identity document, which must match the data of the electronic check. Also it will use for a pass to work.

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Why need put a nickname ?

For your convenience, suppose you subscribed to an organization or just want to hide data in open sources of the resource, we have provided the ability to display your name or nickname.

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Why you need put email ?

Mail is needed for your safety and password recovery, in case you lose your authorization number or change the country where SMS with a code may not come to confirm your identity.

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